Thursday, August 1, 2013

Come Back Cupid! Tips For Seniors - How to Choose an Online Dating Name

Come Back Cupid! Ideas On Choosing Your Dating Name

Online dating for seniors can often come with many opportunities to stretch your comfort zone. No one told you that it might also stretch your creativity too.
Senior Dating.
Choose wisely when creating an online dating name.
For many older adults venturing into online dating creating an online dating name has them flummoxed. Are you having trouble creating creating an online dating name? Join the club I too agonized over what name to use. Then struck my inspirationWell actually it's when I almost hit the car in front me I had an epiphany! What about taking inspiration from a personalized license plate?
The world opened up to me. Personalized license plates are often based on a nickname, hobby or interest. Voila! I love to dance!! Jitterbug, Hula, and Salsa
are my favorites. What makes me unique? Hula not many dancers and then the list making was on. HulaHips….No too sexual.  IHula… Better but that wasn't it.
Then, I remembered a license plate I once saw Happy1. How about HulaHappy? Fun and just a little flirty... just like me.

My advice for creating your online dating name.

  1. Make a list of your interests, hobbies, and aspirations.
  2. Make a list of how you describe yourself.
  3. Then begin combine the two until you find that wining combination.
Now remember you may be one hot, XXX, sexy, fiery femme fatale. Ask yourself how often do you introduce yourself that way. You don't. Think of your online dating name as a calling card, a hello to someone you've never met.
Select a name that says hello, want to know more about me?